Court Details |
Court's Name | United States District Court - District of New Mexico |
Release Name | NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.2) |
ECF Go Live Date | 01/01/2007 |
Maximum PDF File Size | 75 MB |
Maximum Merge Document Size | 300 MB |
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries) | 250 |
Case Number Format | O:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 1:25-cv-00073
RSS Feed Docket entries of type: motion,order,order-cr,answer,appeal,appeal-cr,bankruptcy,cmp,inmate,minutes,misc,misccs,mot2255,notice-cr,reporter,reporter-cr,respm,respm-cr,respoth,service,transfer,transfer-cr,trial,trial-cr | Last 24 hours' entries - Internet |
Flag Definitions |
Code | Translation |
BKSTAY | Bankruptcy Stay |
CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED | Case Seal Reviewed |
CEG22 | Cases reassigned from CEG 7.29.2022 |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONMAG | Case Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge |
CONSENT | Case Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge |
CONSENTPENDING | Consent to Presiding Magistrate Judge Pending |
CONSOL | Case Consolidated |
FILINGFEEDUE | Filing Fee Due |
HABEAS | Habeas Corpus |
INT-ACR | Achi Interpreter |
INT-AL | Assistive Listening Equipment |
INT-AMU | Amuzgo Interpreter |
INT-APK | Kiowa Apache Interpreter |
INT-ARA | Arabic Interpreter |
INT-ASE | American Sign Language Interpreter |
INT-BEN | Bengali Interpreter |
INT-CAC | Chuj Interpreter |
INT-CAK | Cakchiquel Interpreter |
INT-CMN | Mandarin Interpreter |
INT-CNL | Chinantec Lalana Interpreter |
INT-CPP | Portuguese Interpreter |
INT-CRN | El Nayar Cora Interpreter |
INT-CTP | Chatino, Western Highland, Interpreter |
INT-FRA | French Interpreter |
INT-GER | German Interpreter |
INT-HAT | Haitian Creole Interpreter |
INT-HCH | Huichol Interpreter |
INT-HEB | Hebrew Interpreter |
INT-HYE | Armenian Interpreter |
INT-IND | Indonesian Interpreter |
INT-ITA | Italian Interpreter |
INT-IXL | Ixil Interpreter |
INT-JAC | Jakalteco Interpreter |
INT-JPN | Japanese Interpreter |
INT-KEE | Keres Eastern Interpreter |
INT-KEK | Kekchi Interpreter |
INT-KIO | Towa (Kiowa-Towa) Interpreter |
INT-KJQ | Keres Western Interpreter |
INT-KNJ | Kanjobal Western Interpreter |
INT-KOR | Korean Interpreter |
INT-KUR | Kurdish Interpreter |
INT-MAM | Mam Interpreter |
INT-MIX | Mixteco Alto Interpreter |
INT-MIY | Mixteco Bajo Interpreter |
INT-MIZ | Mixteco Coatzospan Interpreter |
INT-MXQ | Mixe Interpreter |
INT-NAV | Navajo Interpreter |
INT-NHE | Nahuatl Interpreter |
INT-NTP | Tepehuan Northern Interpreter |
INT-PAN | Punjabi Interpreter |
INT-PDT | Low German Interpreter |
INT-PER | Persian Interpreter |
INT-PNB | Western Punjabi Interpreter |
INT-POL | Polish Interpreter |
INT-QUC | Quiche Interpreter |
INT-QUE | Quechua Interpreter |
INT-RON | Romanian Interpreter |
INT-RUS | Russian Interpreter |
INT-SGN | Sign Language Interpreter |
INT-SPA | Spanish Interpreter |
INT-STP | Tepehuan Southeastern Interpreter |
INT-SUS | Susu Interpreter |
INT-TAC | Tarahumara Bajo Interpreter |
INT-TAM | Tamil Interpreter |
INT-TAR | Tarahumara Interpreter |
INT-TIX | Tiwa Southern Interpreter |
INT-TJB | Tojolabal Interpreter |
INT-TLA | Tepehuan Southwestern Interpreter |
INT-TOW | Towa Interpreter |
INT-TPL | Tlapaneco Interpreter |
INT-TRC | Triqui Copala Interpreter |
INT-TRQ | Triqui San Martin Itunyoso Interpreter |
INT-TRS | Triqui Chicahuaxtla Interpreter |
INT-TSZ | Purepecha/Tarasco Interpreter |
INT-TUR | Turkish Interpreter |
INT-TZB | Bachajon Tzeltal Interpreter |
INT-TZC | Tzotzil Interpreter |
INT-TZH | Oxchuc Tzeltal Interpreter |
INT-VIE | Vietnamese Interpreter |
INT-ZAP | Zapotec Interpreter |
INT-ZAX | Zapotec Xadani Interpreter |
INT-ZHO | Cantonese Interpreter |
INT-ZOC | Zoque Interpreter |
INT-ZUN | Zuni Interpreter |
INTERPRETER | Interpreter |
LEADCS | Lead Case |
PPSR | Petty Pre-Sentence Report |
REOPEN | Case Reopened |
RIO | Re-entry through Integrated Opportunities Program |
SMV22 | Cases reassigned from SMV 12.23.2022 |
SSA22 | Social security cases reassigned 4.29.2022 |
STAYED | Case Stayed |
TOJ-INITIATED | Transfer of Jurisdiction Initiated |
TOJ-INPRO | Transfer of Jurisdiction In Progress |