Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameUnited States District Court - District of New Mexico
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7 (Revision
ECF Go Live Date01/01/2007
Maximum PDF File Size75 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size300 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)250
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 1:24-cv-01092-GBW-KK
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: motion,order,order-cr,answer,appeal,appeal-cr,bankruptcy,cmp,inmate,minutes,misc,misccs,mot2255,notice-cr,reporter,reporter-cr,respm,respm-cr,respoth,service,transfer,transfer-cr,trial,trial-cr
Last 24 hours' entries - Internet

Court Locations
Court's Name United States District Court - District of New Mexico
Court's Address 333 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Court's Phone Number (505) 348-2000
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 4:30 PM, Mon-Fri, excluding federal holidays

Court Offices
2Las Cruces
6Santa Fe

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
BKSTAYBankruptcy Stay
CEG22Cases reassigned from CEG 7.29.2022
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONMAGCase Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge
CONSENTCase Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge
CONSENTPENDINGConsent to Presiding Magistrate Judge Pending
CONSOLCase Consolidated
HABEASHabeas Corpus
INT-ACRAchi Interpreter
INT-ALAssistive Listening Equipment
INT-AMUAmuzgo Interpreter
INT-APKKiowa Apache Interpreter
INT-ARAArabic Interpreter
INT-ASEAmerican Sign Language Interpreter
INT-BENBengali Interpreter
INT-CACChuj Interpreter
INT-CAKCakchiquel Interpreter
INT-CMNMandarin Interpreter
INT-CNLChinantec Lalana Interpreter
INT-CPPPortuguese Interpreter
INT-CRNEl Nayar Cora Interpreter
INT-CTPChatino, Western Highland, Interpreter
INT-FRAFrench Interpreter
INT-GERGerman Interpreter
INT-HATHaitian Creole Interpreter
INT-HCHHuichol Interpreter
INT-HEBHebrew Interpreter
INT-HYEArmenian Interpreter
INT-INDIndonesian Interpreter
INT-ITAItalian Interpreter
INT-IXLIxil Interpreter
INT-JACJakalteco Interpreter
INT-JPNJapanese Interpreter
INT-KEEKeres Eastern Interpreter
INT-KEKKekchi Interpreter
INT-KIOTowa (Kiowa-Towa) Interpreter
INT-KJQKeres Western Interpreter
INT-KNJKanjobal Western Interpreter
INT-KORKorean Interpreter
INT-KURKurdish Interpreter
INT-MAMMam Interpreter
INT-MIXMixteco Alto Interpreter
INT-MIYMixteco Bajo Interpreter
INT-MIZMixteco Coatzospan Interpreter
INT-MXQMixe Interpreter
INT-NAVNavajo Interpreter
INT-NHENahuatl Interpreter
INT-NTPTepehuan Northern Interpreter
INT-PANPunjabi Interpreter
INT-PDTLow German Interpreter
INT-PERPersian Interpreter
INT-PNBWestern Punjabi Interpreter
INT-POLPolish Interpreter
INT-QUCQuiche Interpreter
INT-QUEQuechua Interpreter
INT-RONRomanian Interpreter
INT-RUSRussian Interpreter
INT-SGNSign Language Interpreter
INT-SPASpanish Interpreter
INT-STPTepehuan Southeastern Interpreter
INT-SUSSusu Interpreter
INT-TACTarahumara Bajo Interpreter
INT-TAMTamil Interpreter
INT-TARTarahumara Interpreter
INT-TIXTiwa Southern Interpreter
INT-TJBTojolabal Interpreter
INT-TLATepehuan Southwestern Interpreter
INT-TOWTowa Interpreter
INT-TPLTlapaneco Interpreter
INT-TRCTriqui Copala Interpreter
INT-TRQTriqui San Martin Itunyoso Interpreter
INT-TRSTriqui Chicahuaxtla Interpreter
INT-TSZPurepecha/Tarasco Interpreter
INT-TURTurkish Interpreter
INT-TZBBachajon Tzeltal Interpreter
INT-TZCTzotzil Interpreter
INT-TZHOxchuc Tzeltal Interpreter
INT-VIEVietnamese Interpreter
INT-ZAPZapotec Interpreter
INT-ZAXZapotec Xadani Interpreter
INT-ZHOCantonese Interpreter
INT-ZOCZoque Interpreter
INT-ZUNZuni Interpreter
PPSRPetty Pre-Sentence Report
REOPENCase Reopened
RIORe-entry through Integrated Opportunities Program
SMV22Cases reassigned from SMV 12.23.2022
SSA22Social security cases reassigned 4.29.2022
STAYEDCase Stayed
TOJ-INITIATEDTransfer of Jurisdiction Initiated
TOJ-INPROTransfer of Jurisdiction In Progress

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