O:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN <i>example:</i> 1:25-cv-00073 333 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 cmecf&#064;nmd.uscourts.gov 8:30 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 4:30 PM, Mon-Fri, excluding federal holidays United States District Court - District of New Mexico (505) 348-2000 250 BKSTAY Bankruptcy Stay CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED Case Seal Reviewed CEG22 Cases reassigned from CEG 7.29.2022 CLOSED Case Closed CONMAG Case Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge CONSENT Case Consent To Proceed Before Magistrate Judge CONSENTPENDING Consent to Presiding Magistrate Judge Pending CONSOL Case Consolidated CSSTAY FILINGFEEDUE Filing Fee Due HABEAS Habeas Corpus INT-ACR Achi Interpreter INT-AL Assistive Listening Equipment INT-AMU Amuzgo Interpreter INT-APK Kiowa Apache Interpreter INT-ARA Arabic Interpreter INT-ASE American Sign Language Interpreter INT-BEN Bengali Interpreter INT-CAC Chuj Interpreter INT-CAK Cakchiquel Interpreter INT-CMN Mandarin Interpreter INT-CNL Chinantec Lalana Interpreter INT-CPP Portuguese Interpreter INT-CRN El Nayar Cora Interpreter INT-CTP Chatino, Western Highland, Interpreter INT-FRA French Interpreter INT-GER German Interpreter INT-HAT Haitian Creole Interpreter INT-HCH Huichol Interpreter INT-HEB Hebrew Interpreter INT-HYE Armenian Interpreter INT-IND Indonesian Interpreter INT-ITA Italian Interpreter INT-IXL Ixil Interpreter INT-JAC Jakalteco Interpreter INT-JPN Japanese Interpreter INT-KEE Keres Eastern Interpreter INT-KEK Kekchi Interpreter INT-KIO Towa (Kiowa-Towa) Interpreter INT-KJQ Keres Western Interpreter INT-KNJ Kanjobal Western Interpreter INT-KOR Korean Interpreter INT-KUR Kurdish Interpreter INT-MAM Mam Interpreter INT-MIX Mixteco Alto Interpreter INT-MIY Mixteco Bajo Interpreter INT-MIZ Mixteco Coatzospan Interpreter INT-MXQ Mixe Interpreter INT-NAV Navajo Interpreter INT-NHE Nahuatl Interpreter INT-NTP Tepehuan Northern Interpreter INT-PAN Punjabi Interpreter INT-PDT Low German Interpreter INT-PER Persian Interpreter INT-PNB Western Punjabi Interpreter INT-POL Polish Interpreter INT-QUC Quiche Interpreter INT-QUE Quechua Interpreter INT-RON Romanian Interpreter INT-RUS Russian Interpreter INT-SGN Sign Language Interpreter INT-SPA Spanish Interpreter INT-STP Tepehuan Southeastern Interpreter INT-SUS Susu Interpreter INT-TAC Tarahumara Bajo Interpreter INT-TAM Tamil Interpreter INT-TAR Tarahumara Interpreter INT-TIX Tiwa Southern Interpreter INT-TJB Tojolabal Interpreter INT-TLA Tepehuan Southwestern Interpreter INT-TOW Towa Interpreter INT-TPL Tlapaneco Interpreter INT-TRC Triqui Copala Interpreter INT-TRQ Triqui San Martin Itunyoso Interpreter INT-TRS Triqui Chicahuaxtla Interpreter INT-TSZ Purepecha/Tarasco Interpreter INT-TUR Turkish Interpreter INT-TZB Bachajon Tzeltal Interpreter INT-TZC Tzotzil Interpreter INT-TZH Oxchuc Tzeltal Interpreter INT-VIE Vietnamese Interpreter INT-ZAP Zapotec Interpreter INT-ZAX Zapotec Xadani Interpreter INT-ZHO Cantonese Interpreter INT-ZOC Zoque Interpreter INT-ZUN Zuni Interpreter INTERPRETER Interpreter LEADCS Lead Case MULTIPLE_CVB_VIOLATIONS Multiple CVB Violations PPSR Petty Pre-Sentence Report REOPEN Case Reopened RIO Re-entry through Integrated Opportunities Program SMV22 Cases reassigned from SMV 12.23.2022 SSA22 Social security cases reassigned 4.29.2022 STAYED Case Stayed TOJ-INITIATED Transfer of Jurisdiction Initiated TOJ-INPRO Transfer of Jurisdiction In Progress 01/01/2007 United States District Court - District of New Mexico
333 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
cmecf&#064;nmd.uscourts.gov 8:30 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 4:30 PM, Mon-Fri, excluding federal holidays (505) 348-2000
300 MB 75 MB PACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549 pacer@psc.uscourts.gov (800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area <1>Albuquerque <2>Las Cruces <5>Roswell <6>Santa Fe NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.8 (Revision 1.8.2)